Sunday, February 4, 2018

Meet Peter "PARKER" Stevenson

The Most Interesting Westie In The World!

Welcome to  the ONLY authorized Peter "Parker" Stevenson blog on the W.W.W. (WORLD WIDE WESTIE!)  A blog dedicated to chronicling the adventures of Parker the westie, Parker the romantic, Parker the Olympic level ball player, Parker the celebrity and Parker... the legend.
This blog will cover Parker's upbringing in Denver, Colorado to his globe trotting shenanigans with his dad's Chris and John.   You'll meet those closest to him, like his loyal assistant and best friend, Ruggles "Rug" McGee, his fiancee Annie The Westie (someday to be Annie Parker Stevenson) and his Uncle's Yoda the Yorkie and Bailey Bigglesworth.

You'll also meet those that have cast a shadow over "The House That Parker Built," most infamously: THE PUGGLE LADY!  (Who IS she?  What does she want?  Why won't she just go away?)

Most people remember November 7th, 2005 for the instinctive thrill of something momentous occurring  that day.  Like a bolt of lightning that leaves the air tingling with energy (and a little scorched earth) Parker was born along with two brothers and five sisters on a warm autumn afternoon.  "He was the center of attention, right from the get go," a source close to his mother claimed.  "Pushing his siblings away from whatever was happening.  First to be fed, first to play, first to claim control of what to watch on TV.  He was a rascal!"

His dad's bequeathed him the name Peter "Parker" Stevenson after their favorite secret identity and favorite Hardy Boy.  Parker's  need to be THE center of attention debuted at a dinner party.   He found his way to the table top and pranced across it to the shock and amusement of the guests.  Top TV Personality Martha Stewart was in attendance that night and claims in her book "The Night Parker Danced On The Table" that he exclaimed, "That's right folks, dinner AND a show.  You done with that salmon?"

Parker quickly found his passion and natural talent for playing "fetch" with the tennis ball.  Soccer star David Beckham told ESPN, "I wish I had Parker's lightning reflex and half the skill with a soccer ball that he does with ANY ball."   Parker threw many tantrums because, "my dads never supported  my goals to become an Olympic tennis ball retriever.  I don't care that it's not even an event, but STILL, my dad's could be more supportive."

Overcoming obstacles has defined Parker's work in the entertainment industry as well.  After launching his career in bit parts on "CSI: Westie," "The Big Westie Theory," "Westies Of Our Lives," and the Netflix hit, "Westie Is The New Scottie" Parker partnered with Andy Cohen on "The Real Westies Of Beverly Hills."  Portrayed on RWOBH as a spoiled, petulant and demanding diva, Parker claimed that "the editing" of the show made him look bad.  After two seasons, Parker quit the show to pursue a feature film career.

Parker's biggest success came the day he decided to take over his dad John's Instagram account.  "Let's make this about ME!" he declared and within a matter of minutes  had amassed over five hundred million followers.  Initial reports claim it was only 5 followers, but Parker's accounting firm stands behind the 500,000,000.  It was InstaLove and InstaExcitement when PPS discovered Instagram and Instagram discovered him.

"Parker's daily posts inspire, entertain, motivate and captivate." - Oprah (That's Parker's neighbor, Oprah Smith, a big fan since 2008.)

Follow Parker's daily adventures on Instagram and follow this blog for an in depth peek at The Most Interesting Westie In The World!  The PPS empire continues to grow and Parker has big plans for 2018 (most of which involve a tennis ball.)

Follow @peterparkerstevenson on Instagram and Starbucks will give you a FREE Puppacino!